Welcome to Bayview
Get to know Bayview starting with our History
We recommend you get to know Bayview starting with our History tab. View our historical movie filmed in 1928 at the following youtube.com link:
Bayview, Texas 1928
Meeting Documents
Trash Pick up (Thursdays)
Service is provided by Republic Services on Thursdays only: (800) 423-7316. Trash located outside the Town of Bayview limits is collected by Cameron County: (956) 544-2100.
Thursdays, typically the morning. Your trash bin may be in the Right of Way no more than a total of 24 hours.
See the forbidden items section in the Republic Services attachment:
- have your Republic Trash Can visible during bulk collection so that the drivers know you are a paying customer.
- abide by the Republic Services requirements for bulk pick up.
- Republic will only pick up 10 cubic yards of debris per customer, per month.
- You can burn your vegetation with a Bayview Burn Permit if you meet the qualifications in the ordinance (see burning).
- We are in Sector 2.
- Remove your trash receptacles within 24 hours of service.
Owners and Residents of Bayview may burn their vegetation (only) on their property per the requirements of the Bayview Burn Ordinance and permit. Bring your completed Burn Permit application to the Town Hall for a Burn Permit. Permits are good for one year and there is no charge.
Bulk items are collected once per month (Insert here) by Republic Services. Your trash can must be visible so collectors know that you are a paying customer.
Republic Services -Brush pickup (we are in Sector 2)
Trash dumped outside Bayview limits is picked up by Cameron County: (956) 544-2100
Useful Numbers Link
- Trash Service (Home): Republic Services (800) 423-7316
- Trash Outside Bayview Town Limits: Governmental Managerial Services Waste: (956) 544-2100
- AEP:
Animal Control (Cameron County): (956) 247-3614
Wildlife Refuge: (956) 536-4205
911 for ALL Emergencies
Sheriff (Cameron County) in Olmito: (956) 554-6700
Constable (956) 233-6156
Ambulance/EMS (office): (956) 233-5007
Bayview Irrigation District 11
phone: (956) 233-5800
fax: (956) 233-4343
Secretary Lisa
For All Emergencies: 911
Ambulance/EMS (dispatch): (956) 233-5007
Los Fresnos Volunteer Fire Department: (956) 233-3882 or (956) 233-4473
Contact [email protected] if you are interested in volunteering
The Last Saturday Every Month. Check the UPCOMING section for exact dates and changes.