
Gary E. Paris

Emergency Management Director
Carol #3

James Bush

Emergency Management Coordinator

Gabriel I. Najera

Asst. Emergency Mgmnt Cooridinator

Emergency Management

Emergency Management Ordinance (2008-16-19A)

Community Watch Program

As in many communities throughout the United States, a few citizens of the Town of Bayview have become victimized by acts of criminal mischief (vandalism), theft, and burglary. Recently, a local property owner had an act of criminal mischief that left the home severely damaged and another property owner had items stolen from a storage shed. One act of any those criminal acts is one too

Town of Bayview’s- Community Watch is similar to the National “Neighborhood Watch”, which many of your know; however due to the geographic design of the town with many of the residences being on large acres, compared to many homes in a smaller area, there is an obvious need to broaden the watch to include every citizen in our town. The Town of Bayview Community Watch is possibly one of the most effective and least costly ways to prevent crime and reduce fear in Bayview by fighting the isolation that crime both creates and feeds upon;

and all the while it also forges bonds among area residents, helps reduce burglaries and robberies, and improves relations between police and the community.

The basic requirement for the Program is very one to become the eyes and ears for our local law enforcement agency, the Cameron County Sheriff Department. And as Community Watch Programs progress over time the Town will be notifying its’ citizens, with the use of email and telephone texting, suggestions to make the community safer and homes more secure. You will also be informed of suspicious activity and crime that have occurred. However, it is your responsibility to notify the Sheriff Department (non-emergency #:(956) 554-6700 ) when you observe suspicious activity in your community, and report all criminal offense that affects you personally or your neighbor. If you see a crime (vandalism, burglary, or an assault) taking place, call 911 immediately!

Never, Never, Never enter a house or other structure, including your own, if you suspect a crime is taking place or had occurred. By entering the building places you in danger and it also contaminates the crime scene. Call the Sheriff Department emergency number (911) and wait for the responding law enforcement officers enter and secure the building. Only enter the building with law enforcement officers permission.

The Town of Bayview does not advocate its citizens taking any action when observing suspicious activity in their neighborhood. We are asking its citizens’ only serve as the extra “eyes and ears” and should report their observations of suspicious activities to the Cameron County Sheriff Department; and its trained law enforcement personnel should be the only ones ever to take action. Citizens should never try to take action on suspicious activities observations.

Summary of the Bayview Community Watch Program:

  • Better overall quality of life in Bayview,
  • Increased sense of personal control and responsibility for security,
  • Improved community unity and pride, and
  • Productive partnerships with local law enforcement.

Destroying property by fire.

Striking a person upon any part of the body. (In Texas, fear of an assault is considered an assault. Threat of an assault is considered an assault.) The law enforcement office and court will determine the correct title of the offense.) As reporter of the incident, call the Sheriff Department 911 and report an assault taking place or had taken place.

Forcefully entering a building to commit a crime (theft, arson, assault) without permission of the owner. (If you see anyone entering a house or structure of any type on property of another person, notify the Sheriff Department that an act of burglary is taking place.)

Damaging property of others without permission of owner.

Taking property belonging to another without consent. (Property that is not in a locked building is considered theft.) Example, theft from a mail box, entering upon private property remove fruit from a tree, or taking an object from a stores shelf and leaving without paying.

Entering upon property of others without person and/or entering a building of another person without permission. (State law gives more detailed definition to guild law enforcement and courts.)

Do you have suggestions to assist in making Bayview safer and reduce the possibility of a criminal act? If so email us: [email protected]

Post Disaster Team

Volunteer Duty Checklist: checklist-english-large8x11 (1).pdf
Hold Harmless Agreement

Emergency Management Information

  • Planning Cards
  • Prep Basics Brochure PDF
  • Child Activity Book Spanish
  • Wildfire Scan Code
  • Hurricane Scan Code
  • Flood Scan Code
  • Tornado Scan Code
  • Animal Evacuation Checklist: Animal To Go Checklist.pdf
  • Emergency Supply Kit English disaster_kit_list Span (1).pdf
  • Emergency Supply Kit Spanish
  • Animal Evacuation Checklist
  • Post-Disaster Recover Team Information
  • Evacuation Family EM Plan English
  • Evacuation Family EM Plan Spanish
  • Evacuation Map 2016
  • NOAA Tropical Cyclone Basics PDF
  • Flood Mapping Link (expires 10/15/2018)
  • FEMA Flood Map Realignment 2018 Engl
  • FEMA Newly Mapped Lower Cost Rating Option 2018 English
  • FEMA Newly Mapped Lower Cost Rating Option 2018 Spanish
  • FEMA Requesting a Letter of Map Ammendment 2018 English
  • What is Your Flood Risk 2018 English
  • Flood Facts Top 10 2013 English
  • Flood Insurance Zone Grandfathering
  • FEMA for Insurance Agents
  • Flood Insurance Facts and Myths
  • Flood Preferred Risk Policy Business 2018
  • Flood Preferred Risk Policy Residential 2018
  • Insurance Post Disaster Tips English 2018
  • Insurance Post Disaster Tips Spanish 2018
  • Insurance Assistance English 2018
  • Insurance Assistance Spanish 2018
  • TWIA Coastal Counties English 2018
  • TWIA Coastal Counties Spanish 2018
  • TWIA Windstorm Contact Information English 2018
  • TWIA Windstorm Contact Information Spanish 2018


Building and Standard Commission- Contact [email protected] if you are interested in volunteering